- Chaos, Violence, Dynasty: Politics and Islam in Central Asia (September 2011, University of Pittsburgh Press).
Articles and Chapters
- “Property,” in David W. Montgomery (Ed.), Central Asia Contexts for Understanding (2022, University of Pittsburgh Press), pp. 471-483.
- “What Drives Border Conflicts in Central Asia? Roots of the Deadly Violence on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 733 (January 2022), co-authored with Shairbek Juraev.
- “The Central Asian Antigay Movement in Global and Local Perspective,” NYU Jordan Center (December 2021).
- “The April 2021 Kyrgyz-Tajik Border Dispute: Historical and Causal Context,” Crossroads Policy Brief No. 2-2021 (July 2021). Russian language version: “Кыргызско-Таджикский Пограничный Конфликт в Апреле 2021 Года: Исторический и Причинно-следственный Контекст.”
- “The populist and nationalist threat to human rights in Kyrgyzstan,” Foreign Policy Centre (March 2021). See the Foreign Policy Centre’s full study <here>.
- “Governance and order-making in Central Asia: from illiberalism to post-liberalism?” Central Asian Survey 39:3 (Fall 2020), co-authored with Philipp Lottholz, John Heathershaw, Aksana Ismailbekova, Janyl Moldalieva, and Catherine Owen.
- “The limits of Washington’s Staying Power in Central Asia,” Crossroads Policy Brief No. 3-2020 (June 2020). Russian language version: “Пределы Возможностей Вашингтона Сохранять Позиции в Центральной Азии.”
- “Questioning Sinophobia in Central Asia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 630 (December 2019).
- “China’s Mixed Reception in Central Asia,” in Chinese Strategic Intentions: A Deep Dive into China’s Worldwide Activities (Department of Defense Strategic Multilayer Assessment White Paper, November 2019).
- “Explaining Great Power Status in Central Asia: Unfamiliarity and Discontent,” Minerva Owl in the Olive Tree Post, October, co-authored with Marlene Laruelle (October 2019).
- “Kazakh President Nazarbayev has resigned. Here are three things to watch.” The Washington Post (March 20, 2019).
- “The Changing Landscape of Uncivil Society in Kyrgyzstan,” The Foreign Policy Centre (July 2018).
- “‘Uzbek Terrorism’ and the Logical Inconsistencies of Extreme Vetting,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 500 (January 2018).
- “Renewing EU and US Soft Power in Central Asia,” EUCAM Commentary No. 28, October 2017 (with Marlene Laruelle).
- “Leadership Succession, Great Power Ambitions, and the Future of Central Asia,” Central Asian Affairs 3:3 (July 2016).
- “Foreign Policy Consequences of Homegrown Eurasian Nationalism,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 418, (February 2016).
- “Central Asia’s Autocrats: Geopolitically Stuck, Politically Free,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 380 (August 2015).
Russian language version: “Центрально-азиатские автократы: Застряв в геополитическом тупике они сохранили политическую свободу действий” - “Fast Forwarding the Brezhnev Years: Osh in Flames,” Russian History 41:3 (2014).
- “Violent Extremism and Insurgency in Central Asia: A Risk Assessment,” USAID (September 2013)
- “Violent Extremism and Insurgency in Tajikistan: A Risk Assessment,” USAID (August 2013)
- “Violent Extremism and Insurgency in Kazakhstan: A Risk Assessment,” USAID (August 2013)
- “States of Protest in Central Asia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 299 (September 2013).
Russian language version: “Протесты в Центральной Азии” - “Central Asia Grows Wobbly,” Current History (October 2012)
- “Foreign Policy and Aging Central Asian Autocrats,” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 20(3) (Summer 2012)
- “Exploring Regime Instability and Ethnic Violence in Kyrgyzstan,” Asia Policy (July 2011)
- “Running in Circles in Kyrgyzstan,” The New York Times (Op-Ed, April 10, 2010)
Chicago Public Radio discussion of Op-Ed - “Searching for Kamalot: Political Patronage and Youth Politics in Uzbekistan,” Europe-Asia Studies (September 2009)
- “Islamic Revivalism and State Failure in Kyrgyzstan,” Problems of Post-Communism (May-June 2009)
- “Central Asian Protest Movements,” in A. Wooden and C. Stefes, eds., The Politics of Transition in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Routledge, 2009)
- “Aiding the Internet in Central Asia,” Democratization (April 2007), co-author: Erica J. Johnson
- “Divided Faith: Trapped between State and Islam in Uzbekistan,” in Jeff Sahadeo and Russell Zanca, eds., Everyday Life in Central Asia (Indiana University Press, June 2007)
- A Study of Political Party Assistance in Eastern Europe and Eurasia (USAID, June 2007), co-author
- “Islamic Leaders in Uzbekistan,” Asia Policy (Winter 2006)
- “The Making of Militants: The State and Political Islam in Central Asia,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (Vol. 25, No.3, 2005)
- “Autocrats, Islamists, and the Rise of Radicalism in Central Asia,” Current History (October 2005)
Hearings, Briefings and Policy Pieces
- “Eurasia 2014: Into Thin Air,” Central Asia Policy Brief, Central Asia Program, George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs (June 2013).
- “Евразия 2014: в разреженной атмосфере,” Central Asia Policy Brief, Central Asia Program, George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs (June 2013).
- Congressional Hearing, “TLHRC Hearing: Kyrgyzstan,” (July 1, 2010), hearing announcement <here>, testimony <here>
- “Three Perspectives on Political Islam in Central Asia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 76 (September 2009)
- Congressional Hearing, “Approaching the OSCE Chairmanship: Kazakhstan 2010,” (May 12, 2009), full hearing <here>, video <here>
- Congressional Hearing, “Prospects for Change in Turkmenistan,” (November 19, 2008), full hearing <here>
- Congressional Briefing, “Uzbekistan: Three Years After Andijan,” (May 13, 2008)
- Congressional Briefing, “Democracy in Tajikistan: Preview of the Presidential Election,” (October 26, 2006), full briefing <here>
- “An Opening in Uzbekistan,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 14 (August 2008)
- “Food, Protest and Political Instability in Central Asia,” Global Studies Review (Summer 2008)
- “Patronage, Islam, and the Rise of Localism in Central Asia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 2 (March 2008)
- “Linking International Development and Political Party Building in Central Asia and the Caucuses,” Global Studies Review (Summer 2007)
- “Avoiding the Great Game and Domestic Unrest in Eurasia,” PONARS Policy Memo No. 402, Center for Strategic and International Studies (December 2005)
- “Revolutions and Religion in Central Asia,” PONARS Policy Memo 364, Center for Strategic and International Studies (June 2005)
- “Kyrgyz Democracy Gets Second Chance,” Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (April 8, 2005)
- “In For Life: Leadership Succession in Post-Soviet Central Asia,” PONARS Policy Memo 312, Center for Strategic and International Studies (November 2003)
- “Public Opinion Research in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,” in John G. Geer, ed., Public Opinion and Polling Around the World (ABC-CLIO, 2004)
- “Powerless in Kyrgyzstan,” Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (July 13, 2000)
Interviews and Talks
- “‘Central Asian Terrorism’ and the Logic of Extreme Vetting,” Central Asia Program, George Washington University (March 12, 2018)
- “Regime Succession in Uzbekistan,” CSIS (September 17, 2016)
- “Beard and Hijab Crackdown, Tajikistan,” CBC’s The Current (February 8, 2016)
- “Negotiating Crisis in Central Asia,” 25th Annual Nava’i-Nalle Lecture, Georgetown University (March 13, 2015)
- “Kyrgyzstan Tries to Get Over its Violent Past,” PRI’s The World (July 5, 2011)
- “Кыргызстан: нет лидера – есть конкуренция” (Kyrgyzstan: No leader – Yes Comeptition), Radio Azattyk RFE/RL (July 3, 2011)
- “Press Conference USA–Crisis in Kyrgyzstan,” Voice of America, (July 3, 2010)
- “Analysis of New Kyrgyzstan Government,” Chicago Public Radio-World View (April 13, 2010), Audio <here>
- “The Blurred Borders of State and Islam in Central Asia,” University of Michigan, (January 9, 2008), Audio <here>
- NewEurasia Interview (July 27, 2007)
- RFE/RL Briefing, “Activists and Autocrats,” (April 26, 2007), Real Audio <here>, Windows Media <here>
- RFE/RL Interview, “Kyrgyzstan: Neighbors Watching As Bishkek Protests Continue,” (April 17, 2007); Kyrgyz language version <here>
- Seattle NPR, Interview on Leadership Change in Turkmenistan, (December 22, 2006)
- Chicago NPR, Interview on Leadership Change in Kyrgyzstan, (March 25, 2005)
- CSIS Briefing on State Policy and Islam in Kyrgyzstan (January 11, 2007, from 20:53 mark on recording; printed summary <here>)
- Radio Azattyk (RFE/RL Kyrgyzstan) Interview on New Kyrgyz Constitution Assandi_times EMM_radio_azattyk_interview (November 16, 2006)
- Interview with Voice of America, Uzbek Service (January 23, 2006)
- Talk: “After Andijan: Authoritarianism, Islam, and Social Mobilization in Central Asia,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (January 17, 2006)
- “Vzgliad na Kazakhstan iz-za okeana,” (An interview I did with the Kazakh newspaper, Assandi Times, August 15, 2003, Almaty)